windows 2008 and 2012 servers.client version I don’t think it is wmi issue. if I reinstall (uninstall and install)BES client it started showing under this relevance.
The information comes directly from the OS via a structure so I’m not sure why you had to uninstall/reinstall. Was this machine upgraded or anything to these OS versions or restarted recently?
we have around 1500 domain controllers in our infrastructure and out of 1500 I have noticed this issue in 60 servers. if I reconfigure BES client then only those servers are coming under this relevance.This is not a new fixlet this have created long back.
I have 2 fixlets one is to identify domain controller and another one is to identify member servers.
Domain controller fixlet - product type of operating system = nt domain controller product type
Member server fixlet - product type of operating system != nt domain controller product type
as I said above 60 servers are either not in domain controller fixlet or Member server fixlet.but servers are very much reporting to TEM server.