Does IEM support deployment on AWS/Azure/Softlayer or any cloud architecture?

Any official documentation that said that ? Perhaps Announcement letter, Knowledge Base documentation or something similar ?

I don’t know of any, but it definitely does work. I have a small testing instance in AWS, and I have heard of many using AWS for IEM.

I have done some work, but it isn’t complete, to automate the setup of IEM on the AWS free tier, which could easily be adapted to work for a non-free higher end AWS instance.

See my code here: GitHub - jgstew/bigfix_cloudformation_template

My forum post about it:

Depends what you mean by support. In Softlayer you can get Red Hat 6, Red Hat 7, and Windows on VMs (CCIs in Softlayer) or bare metal. These are the supported OS platforms for Endpoint Manager server.
For automating a deployment if you use the Red Hat version of the platform you can automate the installation using a response file.

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I ran a production environment on AWS for about 6 months. It worked and was only migrated off for cost reasons. PS if you want to be able to move it off though make sure you build it in VMWare and migrated it to AWS as there is no official way to move their VMs back to VMWare unless it was uploaded from VMWARE.



You could do a server migration manually instead to go from AWS to other. (obviously much more of a pain)

Hi James,

Yes that is why i recommended build it and upload it. Migrating mastheads and cutting to a new environment is a pain. If I had known I had no export option or even that I was going to have to move it out of AWS I would have planned differently.


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When you had the server in AWS did you put a VM in AWS for the console or did you just do console traffic over WAN?

I had several, one on the other side of the VPC and one on the Root server itself. Also we had a windows top relay that we installed the Console on. It was overkill for the scope of the project but it definitely was convenient.


It might be cheaper to do a VM in AWS for consoles to keep that traffic in the same availability zone as the other AWS VMs so you don’t have to pay bandwidth for it, unless the RDP traffic is greater than the console traffic. Not sure which way that would go and it might depend on the environment.

Actually, I’m not sure I am getting charged for RDP traffic for my system on the AWS free tier.

Then again, I suppose the VM would cost more than the bandwidth.

I noticed this recently:

Supported Configurations

  • All components on virtual hardware (please note performance concerns)
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This documents might help.
Thanks James and team, much appreciated !

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Hi, I really don’t know about that
Does IEM support deployment on AWS/Azure/Softlayer or any cloud architecture?
But particularly I have idea about AWS, Azure, and software Data usage.