DMZ and NAT with BES clients

(imported topic written by russwm91)

Hello need some information on this.

  1. I have built a server in our DMZ with a private 192.X.X.X address.

  2. I had our network guys setup a NAT with public IP 12.X.X.X address with a DNS alias to outside in the cloud.

My question is will BES clients work in the cloud if there contacting a DNS alias that is public IP with ICMP echo back even though the real IP address inside the DMZ is the 192.X.X.X. I’m also having the network guys opening up TCP port and UDP port into DMZ and from DMZ.

Please comment if there is something I’m missing in this basic setup.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

I think this will work the way you have it setup (the key piece is that the agents need to be able to reach the relay by dns name).
