Display Mounting of Image on Mac

(imported topic written by mPenuel91)

Hi, I am new to Macs and have been tasked to deploy Office 2011 to a group of them. I used the Mac SW distribution wizard to package up the .dmg file I obtained and it seems to run fine if I deploy it to a Mac however I would like for it to display some sort of progress bar during the image mounting process. The actionscript generated by the Mac SW distribution wizard is below, what can I change in order for it to display “built-in” progress bar displayed when otherwise mounting any image on a Mac? (Please excuse my lack of knowledge with the Mac OS, if you need other info let me know and I’ll provide it)

download http://servername.domain.com:52311/Uploads/96a8505964349153aa04b3ff81f794e3018ac5fc/MicrosoftOffice2011dmg.tmp

continue if {(size of it = 954752620 AND sha1 of it = “96a8505964349153aa04b3ff81f794e3018ac5fc”) of file “MicrosoftOffice2011dmg.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract MicrosoftOffice2011dmg.tmp

wait sh -c “rm ‘/tmp/Microsoft Office 2011.dmg’”

move “{posix path of file “Microsoft Office 2011.dmg” of folder “__Download” of client folder of current site}” “/tmp/Microsoft Office 2011.dmg”

wait hdiutil attach -mountpoint “/tmp/BESMNTPT4967224903075411” “/tmp/Microsoft Office 2011.dmg”

if {not active of action OR (exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.mpkg”) of folder it OR exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.pkg”) of folder it) of ("/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”)}

wait installer -pkg “{(if (exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.mpkg”) of folder it) then (it & “/” & name whose (it ends with “.mpkg”) of folders of folder it) else (it & “/” & name whose (it ends with “.pkg”) of folders of folder it)) of (”/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”) }" -target /

elseif {exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.app” AND exists folder “Contents” whose (exist file “PkgInfo” whose (exists line whose (it = “APPLVISX”) of it) of it) of it) of folder ("/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”)}

appendfile tell application “{name of folder whose (name of it ends with “.app”) of folder (”/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”)}"

appendfile DoInstall

appendfile quit

appendfile end tell

wait /bin/sh -c "iconv -f UTF-8 -t macintosh {concatenation "\ " of substrings separated by " " of pathname of client folder of current site}/__appendfile > {concatenation “\ " of substrings separated by " " of pathname of client folder of current site}/doinstall.txt”

run “{posix path of framework folder & “/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Support/LaunchCFMApp”}” “{(pathname of parent folder of it & “/” & name of it & “/Contents/MacOSClassic/” & preceding text of first “.app” of name of it) of folder whose (name of it ends with “.app”) of folder (”/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”)}"

wait /bin/sh -c "osascript {concatenation “\ " of substrings separated by " " of pathname of client folder of current site}/doinstall.txt”

elseif {exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.app”) of folder ("/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”)}

wait sh -c “rm '/Applications/{name whose (it ends with “.app”) of folders of folder (”/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”)}’"

wait cp -Rfp “{pathname of folder whose (name of it ends with “.app”) of folder (”/tmp/" & “BESMNTPT4967224903075411”)}" “/Applications”


wait cp -Rpn /tmp/BESMNTPT4967224903075411/* /Applications


wait /bin/sh -c "hdiutil detach -force mount | grep /tmp/BESMNTPT4967224903075411 | cut -f 1 -d \ | cut -f 3 -d / | head -1"

wait sh -c “rm ‘/tmp/Microsoft Office 2011.dmg’”

(imported comment written by mPenuel91)

After I read this again I think I need to summarize a little better. When I deploy this it mounts the image and runs the installation all behind the scenes. I would like for it to mount the image with a progress bar (or some sort of progress indicator) displayed to the user, the install can still be completely silent.

With the size of the image and installation there is a high probablity of it seeming (to the end user) like nothing is happening.