Is it possible to discover what operator accoutn created a manual group? I am working on a process flow now for safely removing an operator account. Manual groups don’t appear to be stored in any site. If I remove a console operator account will the associated fixlets, tasks, baseliness and computer groups automatically be removed or will they remain?
You can see what operator created a manual group by looking at the Description tab of the computer group document. The Site will be something like “{operator}'s Operator Site”.
As for what happens to content created by an operator who is being deleted, it depends on the type of operator. If it is a master operator, then all of that operator’s custom content (fixlets, tasks, baselines, and computer groups) will be resigned and continue to persist in the deployment. If it is a non-master operator, then all the custom content that was created in a custom site will be resigned, but all custom content in that operator’s site (including all manual computer groups) will be deleted.