Disabling Operators' Accounts

Hi All,
Can anyone explain exactly how/when BigFix removes an Operator from Admin of a computer they had access to and/or removes the Operator site?

We’ve previously seen issues caused by adding operators if they are added to a role that has access to many computers. It causes slowness in the computer administrators table on the SQL DB which then causes FillDB performance issues. We’ve worked with support on this.

In this case a HelpDesk employee left, so his account was disabled. Then we see in computer client logs indicating the operator is no longer a valid administrator of the computer (BigFix administrator not local admin). He’s still a member of an AD group which is what we use to grant roles to BigFix. Then we see the same issues with the computer administrators table in BigFix server logs.

So does BigFix see when an AD account, which is an operator, is disabled, and then knows to remove that operator’s access to the computers?