Disabling accounts

Does BigFix have the capability to automatically disable accounts after 120 days of inactivity?

Even if this isn’t currently a configurable option, it is possible to automate this via the REST API. If this is of interest, we can certainly provide additional guidance on potential approaches.

This is what we use to detect the age of a profile.
exists files “NTUSER.DAT” whose (modification time of it < now - 60*day) of folders whose (name of it does not start with “Default” and name of it != “Public” and name of it != “All Users”) of folder “Users” of drive of system folder

you can leverage that along side the action to disable the user account that matches the relevance,

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I may have misunderstood :slight_smile:

Is the context of accounts here at the OS level, or BigFix level (Console/WebUI, Web Reports, etc…)?