DISA STIG W2008R2 MS - how to set legal notice for CCE-10673-2

(imported topic written by ssipocz)

I created a custom checklist for DISA STIG checklist for Windows 2008 R2 DC. One of the fixlets, Source ID: CCE-10673-2 “The required legal notice will be configured to display before console login” has two hard coded values for the legal notice.

There is not a parameter to this fixlet.

How do I go about creating a custom fixlet or setting a parameter so that the fixlet uses my sites legal notice?

If I have to use ‘Edit Fixlet’, what is the character replacement scheme to use? It looks like spaces are \s, periods are escaped. What about apostrophes?

(imported comment written by JMaple)


I just got done with tangling with this particular check myself. My research shows that regex can be used a number of different ways but the way that worked for me was using a “.+” for spaces, using “” as an escape, and using “[–]” as a new line/paragraph. Also you will need to break the string up using " & " to concatenate because if your string that you’re searching for can only be so many characters and it will count all of the symbols you’re using in the count so I did it where every two lines got the " & " concatentation. Here is a slice of some of my expression.

By.+using.+this.+system,.+the.+user.+consents.+to.+auditing,.+interception,.+monitoring,.+rec" & "ording,.+copying,.+inspection,.+and.+disclosure.+as.+described.+above…+clicking.+below.+or.+otherwise.+continuing.+to.+use.+the.+system.+indicates.+your.+awareness.+of.+and.+consent.+to.+these.+terms.+and.+conditions.+of.+use…+leave.+this.+site,.+cease.+use,.+or.+log.+off.+immediately.+if.+you.+do.+not.+agree.+to.+the.+conditions.+stated.+in.+this.+warning.