DISA STIG for UNIX and Linux

(imported topic written by Madej)

Hi All,

At the beggining I am sorry for my lay question

I am new on this forum, and additionaly new in Endpoint Manager.

I have downloaded trial version and since few days I play with it.

In standard I have only two checklists. Both for Windows XP. But in my environment are many Unix and Linux servers.

What I should do if I want to have much more SCM checklists in my TEM. Should I download them or TEM should get them from BigFix sites? Can somebody explain me how it is work? And what I have to do?

Thanks & regards


(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Hello Madej,

The 30-day trial does not contain all of the content in the full product. If you contact a sales person you can setup a proof-of-concept (POC) deployment that contains every content site available in the full product.


(imported comment written by Madej)


Thanks for answer.

It is not good. I thought that I can test all function.

It is possible to download few checklists for testing?

In TEM is SCAP import tool, but I cannot find some XCCDF file examples.

Hmmm… maybe my reasoning is wrong.

