Different number of targets for WebUI patch policy actions

Hello team,

I just want to get a clarification regarding how the patch policies would select the targeted computer groups.

The scenario I am experiencing is that I have created two patch policies which starts 1hr after the other but patch policy action (as seen from the console) got created at the same time (because I adjusted the time for download xx hrs before the action begins). The patch policies are targeting the same computer group. However, when the action expired (wasn’t able to monitor during the execution), the action has different number of targeted machines.

The manual computer group has 19 servers wherein 11 servers has not reported within a month (most likely they are decommissioned). When the action got created, there were no targets even though the target is already set from the patch policy side.

How long does it take before the patch policy action gets populated with the target/s?

And why does the two patch policy have different number of targets? Will this depend on the target’s ability to receive the action and report back to the root server?

Thanks in advance for any feedback

Yes, when the action is dynamically targeted the results depend upon the actual end computers evaluating the action and reporting back a status.

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Hello Jason,

Understood. Thank you very much for the response.