I thought that tasks are package uploadable versions of fixlets but cannot understand well the difference between them. I am writing a report about BigFix but do not know how to mention about fixlets and tasks:slight_smile:
For exampe;
Can I use software distribution directly without preparing a fixlet for it and update a 3rd party software?
Can I use software distribution’s action lines in a fixlet’s action tab and take action for 3rd party software?
I read some posts about it but could not get it, hard to understand for me.
And it is also difficult to find information about 9.2.17 version (we are using this version but it is not supported anymore)
Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
Generally the only difference between a Task and Fixlet is the default success criteria of each - fixlet is meant to be something that runs to address a specific problem and once executed successfully the fixlet should become “no longer relevant”; task on the other hand is a content that you can run multiple times as required. That said, all of that is changeable, so you can easily configure a “task” to behave as fixlet and “fixlet” to behave like a task. Based on the design difference when you add a fixlet to a baseline by default it does add the “Baseline will be relevant on applicable computers where this component is relevant” checkbox but if you add a task, it doesn’t enable it by default.
Thanks for detailed explanations.