DHCP Enabled, Check Multiple NICs

(imported topic written by thesurg3on91)


We have sometimes 2, 3, 4, 5, and even 6 NICs on some of our servers. I want to know if DHCP is enabled on any of the NICs.

This relevance:

dhcp enableds of adapters of network

works, but shows, “multiple results”. Doing a report for hundreds of servers is not giving me what we need, which would be a column for each NIC.

How could I construct this relevance to look at NIC 1, NIC 2, NIC 3, NIC 4? I am more than happy to write multiple relevances for each NIC, but I just do not know how to target the individual NICs.

Someone helped me with some code for DNS to target NIC 1, and then NIC 2 by using "preceding text of first “,” ", or something like it…


if ((exists addresses of dns servers of adapters of network as string)) then (preceding text of first “,” of (concatenation “,” of (addresses of dns servers of adapters of network as string))) else “”


if ((exists addresses of dns servers of adapters of network as string)) then (following text of first “,” of (concatenation “,” of (addresses of dns servers of adapters of network as string))) else “”

I’d imagine i’d have to use the

(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

If you just want to know if it’s enabled anywhere without getting multiple results, use

q: exists (dhcp enableds of adapters of network)

A: True

T: 37.274 ms

If you want to know more identifying information about the adapter, try a form like this (it’ll still be multiple results if there’s multiple adapters with dhcp enabled though:

q: addresses of adapters whose (dhcp enableds of it) of network




T: 37.238 ms

(imported comment written by MrFixit)

You can take JacksCoats relevance and stick a concatenation on it to get rid of the multiple results.

concatenation ", " of (addresses of adapters whose (dhcp enableds of it) of network as string)

(imported comment written by JackCoates91)
