Device type wrong after upgrade to 9.x

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

After upgrading to version 9.x our clients report the wrong device typ. All servers reported back with “Laptop”. Our VDI’s also reporting back “Laptop”.

Any idea ?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Can I ask where is this return you are seeing?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Under “Manage Properties” you can select the standard property: Device Typ. We have some automatic computer groups that are looking for this device typ to create automatic groups for laptops and desktops. Now, after upgrading to 9.0, we have servers in these groups. See also attached screenshot. These machines are definitively not laptops :slight_smile:

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Thanks for the reply. It is a defect that is being looked at. Some servers seem to have a “Battery” device that reports itself as a “Microsoft AC Adapter” which is unfortunate.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

In addition you can override this with the setting “_BESClient_DeviceTypeOverride” set to the correct return of Laptop, Mobile, Server, Desktop

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi AlanM

Thanks for the reply and for the workaround. It seems to work with the Override setting. Hopefully there will be a fix in the future for this behaviour.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi AlanM

Thanks for the reply and for the workaround. It seems to work with the Override setting. Hopefully there will be a fix in the future for this behaviour.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I was having this same issue in 8.2. Here is some relevance that seems to fix the server coming back as server instead of laptop. Still having an issue with the VDI coming back as laptop though.

if (exists setting “_BESClient_ComputerType” whose (exists value of it) of client) then (value of setting “_BESClient_ComputerType” of client) else (if (name of operating system starts with “Win”) then (if product type of operating system != nt workstation product type then “Server” else (if value “manufacturer” of structure “system_information” of smbios as string as lowercase contains “vmware” then “Workstation” else (if (exists active devices whose (class of it = “Battery”) and NOT (exists active devices whose (service key value name of it as lowercase = “hidbatt”))) then “Laptop” else “Workstation”))) else (if name of operating system starts with “Mac OS X” then (if (name of operating system contains “Server” or exists folder “/Applications/”) then “Server” else (if ((exists key whose (it as string as lowercase contains “battery”) of entries of dictionaries of nodes of it) or (exists node “AppleACPIPlatformExpert/SMB0/AppleECSMBusController/AppleSmartBatteryManager” of service plane of iokit registry) of it) of service plane of iokit registry then “Laptop” else “Workstation”)) else (if (name of operating system contains “Server”) then “Server” else “Workstation”)))