Detecting when a wake-on-lan occurs

(imported topic written by SY57_Jim_Montgomery)

Hello -

Is there a way to evaluate how many computers successfully woke up from a magic packet? I’m using the Wake-on-Lan wizard and (try) to wake up around 1000 computers. I’d like a metric to show which ones woke up using this method, compared to the ones that didn’t.

Is there some way to tell if a wake-on-lan magic packet arrived? Anyone know of a certain event, or log file that would indicate this?



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Jim,

We can’t tell if the computer woke up from a magic packet or from another reason (I don’t think the computer itself actually knows)… But you could do a test when you see how many computers reported in the last 20 minutes… Send the wake-on-lan requests and wait 20 minutes and see how many computers reported…
