Detecting the health of SMS/SCCM agents using BigFix

(imported topic written by BenKus)

One of our SEs made this property to detect SMS/SCCM agent status:

if not exists service “CCmExec” then “SMS\SCCM not installed” else if exists service “CCmExec” and exists running service “CCmExec” then “SMS\SCCM installed and running” else if exists service “CCmExec” and not exists running service “CCmExec” then “SMS\SCCM installed but not running” else “unknown”


(imported comment written by nberger91)

Can anyone share their relevance or know how to detect whether the sccm client is healthy, ie communicating back to the sccm infrastructure (not just installed and running) ?

Was thinking about parsing log files (Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs) for something similar to ‘Last report Time’ or ‘Last Heartbeat Time’ but i’m not too familiar with sms/sccm so unsure where to start. (

Is there a simple way to do this ?