Details of newly added Hypervisor - IBM BigFix Web Report

Hello Everyone!

We have several ESXi Hypervisor( VM Hosts) in our BigFix Infra.
I want to schedule a report using web reports which needs to be delivered whenever a new EXSi Hypervisor is introduced in Bigfix console.

To be precise, Could anyone tell me how to fetch the web report of VM hosts added in console?
Is there any way to do that?

Thanks in advance… :slight_smile:

You can create a Computer report that is filtered by the ‘Device Type’ property where the value would be ‘ESXi Hypervisor’:

You can then create a scheduled activity with a trigger that sends email/stores archive only when report has changed.


Thank you for the input @Aram
But I want the name/details of the EXSi Hypervisor that have been recently added in my console.
In the case you are talking about, i will get notify about all the vm hosts rather than the one recently added.
I have do manual segregation in the present case.

Any update or suggestions would be appreciated and big help in achieving the automation…

I don’t believe there is a great way to do this within a Web Report since I don’t believe the ‘site subscription’ relevance inspector is currently available via proxy agents.

I’m going to be out of the office for a few days and unable to check, but is it possible to work with something around first became relevant of of the Device Type property?

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@JasonWalker, that is a great idea :slight_smile:

If evaluating the relevance via Web Reports or REST API, we can use the first became relevant of <bes fixlet result> inspector (reference) as a means to identify roughly when it was added to the system.

Here’s a sample bit of session relevance that will return machines with a device type of ‘ESXi Hypervisor’ that have a particular Fixlet that first became relevant within the last day:

((name of computer of it, first became relevant of it) of results whose (device type of computer of it = "ESXi Hypervisor") of bes fixlets whose (display name of site of it = "BES Support" AND id of it = 204)) whose (item 1 of it > (now - 1 * day))

This approach can then be used in combination with scheduling and triggers within Web Reports.