Desktop vs VM recognition

Having problems in BF console where Win 10 desktops were converted into VM. The console is still recognizing them as desktops .Is there a way to change the icon in the BF console to identify the Win 10 client as a VM rather than a desktop

Were these recent conversions? Try a “force refresh” on the client and see whether that updates.
Certain hardware properties that we expect to rarely change, have a very long re-evaluation period. I’m not certain which property is used to build the icon, but if it’s one of those that only evaluates every 30 days then a “force refresh” should force the client to post the new result sooner.

The force refresh did not work and this conversion happened some time ago. Even removed from database and it returned the same

Ok I’m finding that it’s based on the reserved ‘Device Type’ property. Difference between 2 icons

It can be overridden by specifying the client setting ‘_BESClient_DeviceTypeOverride’ with values “Server”, “Desktop”, or “Laptop”. I don’t think any of the icons actually indicate whether the system is a VM, if we detect a virtual machine it returns “Server”

Tried Virtual Machine setting prior. I will try server. Thank you

Thank you. That resolved it

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