Hello, this Alessandro from HCL BigFix Product Management.
In an effort to rationalize and streamline BigFix portfolio, we intend to deprecate a set of BigFix external sites with content that is obsolete and no longer significant.
The deprecation is planned to be effective on October 1st, 2023.
When this is effective, it means:
- The site content will no longer be supported
- It will be no longer be possible to enable the sites in BigFix deployments where they have not been enabled already
- The content may stop working with new releases of BigFix platform (greater than BigFix v10).
We are interested in collecting user feedback about the list of sites being deprecated (see attached document).
Based on the feedback we receive, we will consider removing sites from the deprecation list, and continuing to support them.
Please send questions, concerns and feedback to me directly at alessandro.dinia@hcl.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Alessandro Dinia, HCL BigFIx Product Manager
BigFix_sites_deprecation_list_v1.pdf (44.6 KB)