Deploymento OS - system tag

(imported topic written by Corda)


How does the method Software “Top-Off”? How does use the “miscellaneous option” (in attachment) of the function RE-Image for deployment OS?

For example, which values to insert in the field text system tag and client setting and how they can be used in a baseline…

Thanks, Marco Corda.

(imported comment written by JasonHonda)


These two fields are meant can be used in a variety of ways.

The “System Tag” field will put whatever you specify in a new registry value for “SystemTag” in “HKLM\Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\ImageInfo” registry hive.

If you specify something here, you can use this to create baselines, or fixlets that specifically look for that value and you will know that computers has just been reimaged. This is what is meant to “top off”. You can have a baseline that installs software or does whatever tasks you want and with checking that registry value as relevance, it will run on freshly reimaged machines.

For the “Client Settings” field, you can specify “NAME:VALUE” pairs of client settings that will be created on the client after reimaging. These can be then used as relevance for other baselines or actions.

If you were to specify “Group:Accouting” in the Client Settings field, you can then create baselines or fixlet relevance of

value of setting “Group” of client = “Accounting”

to target those machines.

Those two fields have tooltips that help explain what they will do along with the documentation which I believe you are looking at should help you.

(imported comment written by Corda)

Ok thanks, but I have to create a custom retrieved property to view the entry “by system tag” on the console?

(imported comment written by JasonHonda)

Yes, creating a custom retrieved properly which looks at the registry entry where we place what was specified in “System Tag” will allow you to see in the console the values.