Deploying Batch file with Windows software distribution

I am trying to deploy a folder that contains .bat file.
I am trying to place that folder in the client’s C:\ folder and run the .bat from that folder.
Is that possible and if it is, how do I do that?

Thanks for the help.

It might be easier to leverage the createfile or prefetch options within ActionScript to dynamically create on or download to the client respectively. Usage examples for both are contained within the provided links.

Make sure to create a custom site to house your custom content should you choose to go this route.


I belive you can achieve this easily than SWD

folder create “Path and Folder name” ----- reference link Folder Create

delete __createfile

createfile unitl EOF

Key in your code


copy __createfile “Path and Folder name”

move __createfile “Path and Folder name”

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