Deploy to Active Directory Group

(imported topic written by fnovento91)


i’m planning to deploy software package to active directory group instead of computer name list. Say i have a workstationA ( with 500 pc’s ). Under workstationA OU there are excludeworkstationA ( with 30 pc’s ) and workstationID ( with 60 pc’s ). if I select workstationA it will shoot those 500 pc’s but unfortunately the underneath ( excludeworkstationA and workstationID ) will get effected.

How can i exclude the OU under target OU ?


fendy N

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi fendy,

Why not select all the OUs underneat WorkstationA except excludeworkstationA and workstationID?


(imported comment written by fnovento91)


under workstationA there’re were excludedworkstationA and workstationID. i wanna target all PC’s on workstationA and do not want excludedworkstationA and workstationID to be effected. how can i exclude these two ?

workstationA ( OU=workstationA, DC=company,DC=com)

excludedworkstaionA ( OU=excludedworkstationA, OU=workstationA, DC=company,DC=com)

workstationID ( OU=workstationID,OU=workstationA, DC=company,DC=com)

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi fendy,

Our targeting dialog is setup for targeting by inclusion… but in your particular example, you can try a few things:

  • In the take action dialog, target by “All computers …”, filter by “workstationA” OU, then on the “Execution Dialog” choose “Run only when”, “Active Directory Path” “does not contain” “excludedworkstationA” (only works for one exclusion at a time).
  • In the take action dialog, target by “specific computers…”, filter by “workstationA” OU, then select the computers that are in workstationA, but not in “excludedWorkstationA”.
