Deploy NSCP- and then replace ini file created with defaults set, restart service

I could really use some education on a problem that I have. The problem that I have is that we are using Nagios for monitoring all of our windows servers. I need to deploy NSCP- or NSCP- to over 1000 windows servers. The server range from 2008 32 and 64 bit to Windows server 2016. The fixlet for the deploying is basic for the x64.msi
and I have that down:
prefetch 8a5181539ffe15b1a67814bfce37f25fbc0bb5b7 sha1:8a5181539ffe15b1a67814bfce37f25fbc0bb5b7 size:27530470 sha256:84a2cad587509b78286553de0eb82d5d7ff66bd975ef26464d5630e4b4f07a54
extract 8a5181539ffe15b1a67814bfce37f25fbc0bb5b7
wait “{pathname of system folder & “\msiexec.exe”}” /i msiexec /i “{(pathname of client folder of current site) & “__Download\NSCP-”}” /qn /norestart

What I need is to be able to differentiate between the 32bit and 64bit machine allowing the correct agent to deploy.

There is a file, nsclient.ini, that is created with the basic info and then the vendor has stated that each server needs to have the .ini file modified. I have a valid ini file that can be copied to each server.

I need to replace the nsclient.ini file that is located "c:\program files\nsclient++\nsclient.ini.
After the replacement is completed I then need to restart services:

Thank you

Architecture of operating system is pretty simple;

So you could do

if {x64 of operating system}
wait x64.msi
elseif {not x64 of operating system}
wait x86.msi

Replacing files are pretty straight forward, but you’d do well to not hardcode a path. So, if the application installs a service, you could do

image path of service x

Then, just do a simple prefetch, stop service, delete, copy, start service using the dynamic path gathered from the service.

I appreciate the advise, I am definitely a novice at setting up the fixlets where we have many action scripts that have to be configure for simple prefetch and just the configuring of the commands and putting them together. Is there a wizard that I can use to help develop these commands and putting them together. I did create a fixlet using Windows Software Distribution Wizard to deploy the agent. I tried to add a script to the fixlet and the script would not work below the Nagios deployment after the agent was successfully deployed. I will attempt to recreate the fixlet that will perform the basic deployment, check for deployment, delete file "c:\program files\nsclient++\nsclient.ini’ copy file to "c:\program files\nsclient++\nsclient.ini’ and then restart service “nscp”.