Deploy MDT Bundle Creator - WADK 10 version 1607 MDT build 8443 task fails to validate endpoint

I am trying to install MDT Bundle Creator - WADK 10 version 1607 MDT build 8443 to deploy Windows 2016 on the targets. However, it always fails to validate the endpoint. I manually validated the code written in the action script for this particular task on the target, and it satisfies all the conditions in the action script.

Is anyone facing this issue? or I need to install anything else before running this task?

What OS is the system on which you’re trying to install the Bundle Creator?

In my case it was my first time installing the bundle creator to a 2012r2 host, and I found that I had to enable the .NET Framework 3.x Features, which are not enabled by default. You’ll find that in Server Manager -> Features. There is a DISM command to enable them from the command-line as well but I don’t have access to it right now.

I am trying to install it on Windows 2008 R2.

Isn’t this supported on 2008 R2?

Good morning,
WADK 10 version 1607 can not be installed on Windows 7 and 2008 R2, due to this error when creating iso:
Running manually the Bundle creation step (i.e. from an elevated command line and setting debug level 2 (debug=2) in parameters.ini, you will be asked to do interactive steps (see but you will read on PowerShell output the error you hit.
I hope this helps, regards


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Ok. Thank you.

I will try this.