Deploy IBM ITM Tivoli Agents

(imported topic written by tomer1983)

Hi ,

Does someone use the bigfix to deploy ITM agents ?

If does , what is the right procedure ?

(imported comment written by martinc)

I have not done this yet with IEM, but I have done it with both TCM (Configuration Manager) and TPM (Provisioning Manager) in the past. It was a while ago though :slight_smile:

I found this link that talks quickly about it

Basically you would create the bundles with the “
tacmd exportBundles
” command and then write the fixlet to silently install. It used to be that there were SPD files created by IBM, but I think that was back in 6.2, so I am sure it is long gone. Once you have those, you could create the relevance to determine what would identify the product is installed and write the action script download and run a silent install.

What version of ITM are you using? I might be able to find some time to give this a go :slight_smile:

(imported comment written by tomer1983)

Hi martinc ,

I use ITM version 6.3.1 based on windows platform.

should I create fixlet with batch script running silent install ? or use the IEM commads to install the setup ?

(imported comment written by martinc)


I started working on this and was putting together some steps, but because I wanted to cover a bunch of things it started to get long.

I have posted this on our blog as I thought this might be the best place for my wordiness. :wink:

Please check out

and see if that helps at all. It is a bit long, but once you work through it once, it will be much easier for any future fixlets you would build.

Martin Carnegie

Gulf Breeze Software Partners

(imported comment written by tomer1983)

Hi martin,

thank you very much, it was very helpfull