Deploy and register DLL?

Hi All,

Just trying to deploy and register a 32-bit dll on predominantly 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 servers and can’t quite seem to get it. All I am looking to do is;

  1. Delete file if exists
  2. Download file
  3. Move file to Windows\System32
  4. Register DLL

I also have a custom success criteria set to:

exit code of action = 0

Hopefully this will capture any instances where the DLL registration is not successful.

My fixlet as follows;

delete "__Download\MyFile.dll"
download "http://bigfix.server:6969/MyFile/MyFile.dll"
move "__Download\MyFile.dll" "(system folder)\MyFile.dll"
waithidden regsvr32 /s (System Folder)\MyFile.dll

Any help appreciated.

Give this a shot! You’ll have to swap out the hashes and size with the actual values (as well as the URL).

prefetch MyFile.Dll sha1:mySha1 size:mySize MyURL sha256:mySha256

delete "{pathname of system folder}\MyFile.dll"

copy "__Download\MyFile.dll" "{pathname of system folder}\MyFile.dll"

waithidden regsvr32 /s "{pathname of system folder}\MyFile.dll"

Read up on how Prefetch works and take a look at the relevance / actionscript tutorials on

Thanks very much for this, seems to be working…mostly.

The regsvr32 command is failing with an exit code of 3, which from what I am reading means that the dll was not found. Used the debugger and {pathname of system folder} is getting expanded to be C:Windows\System32 as you’d expect. However when I do a search for MyFile.dll it is only being found in C:\Windows\SysWOW64

How do I account for this redirection in my action?

Simply replace system folder with system x32 folder

Thanks again. That didn’t seem to work for me. I disabled wow64 redirection which seems to do it.

action uses wow64 redirection false

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Disabling wow64 redirection causes the client to act in x64 mode by default.

My solution caused the client to enforce x86 path.

Sorry for the confusion!

Ah, thanks for the clarity. There will be some Windows 2003 servers that need this dll registered, however I’ve only tested on Windows 2008/2012 R2 boxes which are 64-bit.

Will the action disabling wow64 just be ignored for Windows 2003, or will it through an error code? Reason being I have the success criteria set so that the exit code must be 0 for successful competition.

action uses wow64 false has no effect when run on a 32-bit system. No error is raised.