DEMO Nov 16th: Discussion on feature - IBM subcapacity regions

IBM subcapacity licensing rules define three regions. To properly calculate PVU usage for products that are installed in multiple regions, the audit snapshot need to be generated for each region
Regions that are defined by IBM subcapacity licensing rules include:

  • Region 1: North America and South America
  • Region 2: Europe and Africa
  • Region 3: Asia and Australia

Please share your feedback within this topic.

Is there a link to this demo available? --Mark

Its about to end, I will post link to replay shortly.

Schucks :frowning: Is there a signup link for future demos such as this? I’m already signed up for ILMT; guess I missed a link somewhere.


Here is the recording, let me check where you need ot sign up to get invites :slight_smile:


The link with recording contains “How to enroll” section, which tell you how you can subscribe to get notified.

Thank you very much Michal!