Deleting everything before date "X"

(imported topic written by amagewick91)

I have a few straggler dates that are WAY before my deployment, and I would like to delete them. I also would like to delete my first months after deployment due to minimal activity.

Basically, how can I delete all data before X date? Does one of the BES tools do this? Can I manually clear rows in a certain table?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi amagewick,

You can sort by last report time and then multi-select, right-click delete them in the Console.


(imported comment written by amagewick91)

Are you referring to computers? I keep up on my computers, but like I said before I have a few dates in my reporting side that are a few years back, and I would like to get rid of them. For instance

-------This one has a 2005 date-------

Affected Computers Regressed Computers Date

1 0 2005-06-29

223 794 2010-05-03

224 822 2010-05-04

227 835 2010-05-05

-------This one has a 2008 date-------

Affected Computers Regressed Computers Date

0 0 2008-07-28

238 125 2010-06-29

251 131 2010-06-30

263 134 2010-07-01

-------This one has a 2005 date-------

Affected Computers Regressed Computers Date

0 1 2005-06-29

290 18 2010-06-29

298 21 2010-06-30

300 21 2010-07-01