Deleted Action Status

Hi Team,
Is there any way to view deleted/stopped actions status in Database. I am able to restore deleted action form the database, but action status showing Not Reported. Thanks!


Can’t you use webreports for that?

Web Reports is one way, or you could use session relevance to look for all Expired or Stopped actions.

(statuses of results of it as string, states of it, names of it) of bes actions whose (state of it is contained by set of ("Stopped";"Expired"))

So, you are saying if we delete “Expired/Stopped” action from BigFix console and if we wanted to gather those action information than session relevance will help ?

As per my understanding @tyagi.j has mentioned that we was able to recover the deleted entry from Database but those action are showing not reported in BigFix Console.

Manish Singh

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No, sorry I didn’t make that very clear. I don’t think you can get the results status for deleted actions via either Web Reports or session relevance, only stopped actions (or expired). Once deleted the action would be effectively be invisible to anything other than SQL which, last I recall seeing about direct SQL queries, was not advised. Not sure if an deleted action is undeleted via SQL if the previous action history is still accessible.

Likely need to restart Console/Web Reports and/or clear the Console cache to restore the action results. Undeleting an action is not an expected operation for the Console/WR, so it wouldn’t pick up the results for it during a standard refresh.


So is there any way to see the actions status after deletion from the console, Like we can save the data in any location or something else.

any help would be appreciated on this. :slight_smile:

After deleting the action, no…at least not that I’m aware of. Before deleting the actions…technically yes though that would depend on you developing a scripted process (be it Perl, Powershell etc etc) that could pull the status for stopped or expired actions using session relevance prior to your console operators deleting the actions. A query such as this would allow you to pull all stopped and expired actions older than 30 days (you would need to come up with a query that meets your criteria for actions that are to be deleted).

(names of targeted computers of it, times issued of it, statuses of results of it as string, states of it, names of it) of bes actions whose (state of it is contained by set of ("Stopped";"Expired") and time issued of it < now - 30 * day)

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Thanks for your reply. Need one more help. I have run the query in my environment, but the output data size is quite high i.e 4 GB. and we Can we apply time frame like from this date to this date in this query?

You could do a date range with something like this

(names of targeted computers of it, times issued of it, statuses of results of it as string, states of it, names of it) of bes actions whose (state of it is contained by set of ("Stopped";"Expired") and time issued of it < time (date "1 Jan 2019" as string & " 00:00:00 +0000") and time issued of it > time (date "1 Dec 2018" as string & " 00:00:00 +0000"))

Hi tyagi,j
I think the below query will help you to shorten the amount of data you are receiving.

( item 0 of it as string & " , " &
item 1 of it as string & " , " &
item 2 of it as string & " , " &
item 3 of it as string & " , " &
item 4 of it as string & " , " &
item 5 of it as string & " , " &
item 6 of it as string )
of (
(if (exists ID of Action of it)
then (concatenations “%0A” of (ID of Action of it as string))
else ("")),
(if (exists Name of Action of it)
then (concatenations “%0A” of (Name of Action of it as string))
else ("")),
(if (exists State of Action of it)
then (concatenations “%0A” of (State of Action of it as string))
else ("")),
(if (exists Time Issued of Action of it)
then (Time Issued of Action of it as string)
else (“Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000”)),
(if (exists Name of Issuer of Action of it)
then (concatenations “%0A” of (Name of Issuer of Action of it as string))
else ("")),
(if (exists Name of Computer of it)
then (concatenations “%0A” of (Name of Computer of it as string))
else ("")),
(if (exists Status of it)
then (concatenations “%0A” of (Status of it as string))
else ("")))
of results whose (name of action of it as string !=“Custom Action” and state of Action of it is contained by set of (“Stopped”;“Expired”) and (Name of Issuer of Action of it is not contained by set of ("";"";“test3@xyz.comt”))AND ((Time Issued of Action of it > “Sun, 31 Mar 2019 10:32:42 +0000” as time) AND ( Time Issued of Action of it < “Tue, 02 Apr 2019 10:32:42 +0000” as time)) )
of bes actions

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Thanks Akshay, Its really helpful in this scenario.