The problem is that we need to delete this folder in many computers with different usernames. Is there any variable we can use so the action can be executed in all the computers?
The one issue with using a user variable is that puts a dependacy on there being a user logged in, and also not sure if you have systems with more than 1 logged in user, how would that affect behaviour.
One approach you could use to clean all user folders regardless of a user being logged would be actionscript like below
parameter "MyFolders" = "{"%22" & concatenation "%22 %22" of pathnames of folders "\appdata\roaming\discord" of folders of folder "C:\Users" & "%22"}"
runhidden cmd.exe /c "for %a in ({parameter "MyFolders"}) do rmdir /q /s %a"
The fixlet detection could include a statement like below so it only applies to systems with the folder somewhere in the users folder hierarchy.
exists folders "\appdata\roaming\discord" of folders of folder "C:\Users"