We have an application that has two applications the the startup folder, but only 1 is needed. They have different locations as far as paths. How can I delete/disable these using BigFix?
Thanks for any assistance,
We have an application that has two applications the the startup folder, but only 1 is needed. They have different locations as far as paths. How can I delete/disable these using BigFix?
Thanks for any assistance,
Depending on the location of the startup item, you could created a fixlet that detects the affected system with an actuion that deletes the known file. eg if the startup folder is the one for all users, something like this might work for you.
Detection relevance
exists files whose (name of it as string as lowercase is "mystartupitem.lnk") of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" of folder (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)
delete "{pathnames of files whose (name of it as string as lowercase is "mystartupitem.lnk") of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" of folder (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}"
Can you provide the absolute path of the application you want to delete from the start up folder?
This is related: https://bigfix.me/analysis/details/2994785