We have 2 windows server where IBM Filenet API and IBM Datacap has been installed. Agents are running fine on servers. Scan is also working fine but it is not reflecting any softwares under software installation.
Any idea what else can i check ?
This is the one of the component which is installed on the machine
Physical Machine IBM Corporation IBM Datacap 9.1 20170419 9.10.10
Is any other software is detected and reported from this machine?
What version of Filenet API and Datacap should be detected? Check the Signatures in ILMT -> Reports -> Signatures to verify if signatures are defined for the SW instances to be detected.
If the signatures are present in the catalog, then check if the signatures exist on the Datacap server.
Depending which version of ILMT is running, ensure it is running the latest version (9.2.21) as it also comes with the latest software catalog which might already have the signatures for these two components in question. If you can get a hold of software signature tag files from the servers where these components are installed, you could upload them to this thread and I could try to test it in my lab environment.
As suggested before, try searching these components in ILMT portal under the Software Catalog widget (i.e. “IBM Datacap” or “IBM FileNet Content Engine”. It should return a list of matches.
If you are already running the latest version of ILMT and still could not identify these components, then you would have to open up a PMR to address the issue.