Database rights - BESComputerRemover

(imported topic written by Marty.Amaral)

So we had to rebuild our BigFix server and database and now I can’t run certain things using my login creds. More specificly, but not limited to, BESComputerRemover. When I try and run it as myself, BESComputerRemover- or BESComputerRemover- –u “My user account” –P “My password” I get the following error

No time specified for deletion of Expired Computers, defaulting to 30 days.

No time specified for deletion of Deleted Computers, defaulting to 90 days.

DBI connect(‘bes_bfenterprise’,‘corporate_nt\marty’,…) failed:



Server Native Client 10.0]

SQL Server

Login failed for user 'corporate_nt\marty

'. (SQL-28000) at /<C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\Downloads\BESComput

erRemover->BESTools/ line 94

Couldn’t connect to database with DSN (bes_bfenterprise):


[SQL Server

Native Client 10.0]

SQL Server

Login failed for user ‘corporate_nt\marty’. (SQL


If I run the program using the SQL “SA” user and password, it works just find.

I have sysadmin rights to the database and my SQL admin doesn’t know what more I need.

It there other rights I need to for this?

(imported comment written by r.kelly)

Try running it without the -p and -u as well as check to make sure that your bes_bfenterprise system dsn is using integrated windows auth…

(imported comment written by Marty.Amaral)

I get the same error if I use the -u -p command line options or not. The only time it does work is if I use the -u -p with the SQL SA account and password. I have checked DNS and yes i am using NT auth…