I have a current user who has used the console for several weeks. Today he tries logging in, and at the ‘loading sites’ step when the console fires up, I receive the following error.
Yeah, I received that input from support, unfortunately we could not access the console on this workstation. We found that the BigFix directory for this particular user was set to ‘read-only’ somehow. We changed this, and it worked. Not sure how that happened.
I had the exact same thing happen to a couple of users in our environment. Since we couldn’t access the console to clear cache I manually deleted the SessionCache.dat file. On their next console run the sites had no cache to update, so it downloaded all the sites and loaded the consoles fine. Haven’t had any problems since.
I determined this was probably caused by a currupt secuity file on the cache that didn’t update during a site gather. I will be submitting the cache file to support to determine the exact cause.
Just thought I’d let you know that support suspects our AV scanned the cache and caused the corruption. I think it’s rare since I’ve been running the same AV version for months …
I am having the same problems. Server shows no error. DB shows no error. But everytime I try to log onto the management console, I get the NoSuchSite error.