Data copy from endpoints to root server


i want to copy a csv file from endpoints to root server for this i have two options BFArchive or clientquery is there any other option i can use to copy data from endpionts to root server

#1 - BFArchive - i want to copy data from multiple endpoints to root server in single action and unable to recognize sha1/<> at run time as data is going to multiple folder -> can i have a different location to copy data from endpoints to root machine ??

#2 - Clientquery - if i use this method to copy data from client machines to root then if i use lines of file backup.csv it corrupt the data format and unable to merge to a final csv file.

I do have python API code which does the upbload using bfarchive and then target host extract and run the code…
here is teh sample.

def build_xml(computer_target,set):

action_script=“”“\nbegin prefetch block
\nadd nohash prefetch item url=”“”+url_S+“”"
\nend prefetch block
\ndelete /var/tmp/
\ndelete /var/tmp/
\ndelete /var/tmp/host_grp.csv
\nextract bf_arch_dyna “/var/tmp”
\nwait chmod 755 /var/tmp/
\nwait /bin/sh /var/tmp/ “”“+cmd_argument+”“”
\ndelete /var/tmp/host_grp.csv
\ndelete /var/tmp/
\ndelete /var/tmp/ “”"

xml_query=‘<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Deploy: DynaTrace ‘+change_no+’ ‘+set+’ ‘+cmd_argument+’
exists (operating system) whose (it as string contains regex “Linux|AIX|SunOS|HP-UX” )


xml_query=xml_query+“”+computer_target+“”+“ ”
#print(“\nBuilding Query XML :”+ xml+“\n”)
return req_bes_query_id


  def upload_zip(self,tmp_tar,bigfix_username,bigfix_pwd):
      #global url_S
      print("Uploading "+tmp_tar+" to Bigfix ROOT server" )
      fil = {'file': open(tmp_tar, 'rb') },auth=(bigfix_username, bigfix_pwd),files=fil,verify=False)
      tree2 = ET.fromstring(r.text)
      for fixlet in tree2.findall('.//FileUpload'):
      print ("MFT XML URL :"+ url_S)
      return url_S