CWWKO0801E Error Preventing BFI Launching

I am getting the below error message when trying to launch BFI version 10.0.11. I substituted the IP address with the generic name BFI server in the error message. Note that the message is referring to the same server but two different ports. What port is 49767? This is my test instance of BFI and I have never had to use SSL on it. I am able to launch Web Reports and WebUI from the same server, but not BFI.

[10/9/23 14:36:01:096 UTC] 00001afc E CWWKO0801E: The SSL connection cannot be initialized from the BFI Server and 49,767 port on the remote client to the BFI Server and 9,081 port on the local server. Exception: The WebSphere server received an unencrypted inbound communication on a secure connection. This does not indicate a problem with the WebSphere server. To resolve the issue, configure the client to use SSL or to connect to a port on the WebSphere server that does not require SSL.

This issue was resolved. The name of the remote DB server was changed, and I needed to change the
D:\Bigfix Enterprise\BFI\wlp\usr\servers\server1\config\database.yml and the D:\Bigfix Enterprise\BFI\wlp\usr\servers\server1\server.xml files to reflex the new database server name.

I do have to add that the documentation is lacking in this situation.