CVE Search Dashboard


I am using Bigfix 10.0.8 and enable CYBERFOCUS site. I can see the CVE Search in the web report however i am not sure if this is the same as CVE Search dashboard which is mentioned in below announcement as i am not able to see any option in search to add the select Fixlet in Baseline.

Please suggest if there is other option to see CVE Search dashboard or how to added the selected Fixlet in Baseline from CVE Search.

Ability to create a Baseline from the CVEs, either all of the Fixlets or only the relevant ones.


Do you not see it in your thick console or is the CVE Search dashboard there but just does not work? Can you clarify?

Hi ,

Sorry i am not aware, where can i see this in Thick Console. In CVE Search web report i dont see the option to add the same in baseline.

for example in below screenshot of web report, i don’t see any option for adding the same in baseline.

Not sure if this is possible but i noted the comments “Ability to create a Baseline from the CVEs, either all of the Fixlets or only the relevant ones.”


So webreports is read only so it can’t create a baseline with a series of fixlets from webreports. There is a CVE Dashboard under the Dashboards section in the BigFix Thick console that looks almost exactly the same and you can create a baseline from that dashboard.

I am launching my console right now and i can give you better direction for where to see it

i found similar search option in CVE Seach in Thick Console but not seeing any option to add selected items in baseline.

Do you know if it is possible to add the same in baseline?

Thanks for pointing me towards thick client. I can see the options :slight_smile:

Ok great! I’m glad you found it.

Did you see the Create Content button when you select one of the checkboxes for a CVE? This is where the Baseline gets created.