Custom Web Report | Help with Designing the Page


I’m trying to create a report that will return for a multiple action group the member actions and their status per computer


I have the following session relevance statement:

(name of item 0 of it, name of item 1 of it, (if (status of it as string = “Fixed”) then (status of it as string) else (status of it as string & " Exit Code: 0x" & (last 8 of ((exit code of it as string as integer) as hexadecimal as uppercase)))) of result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it)) of ((elements of targeted computer set of bes actions whose (id of it = 1927)),(member actions of bes actions whose (id of it = 1927)))

Which returns the following result:

From here I can’t create the table structure like described in the attached table image

I need to learn this subject as much as possible

I used the tutorial below to learn how to create tables in my custom report. Once you got hold on basics you can refer to other html sites for better formating & designing work.

You can also refer to my formating codes.

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Thanks @vk.khurava I’ll check :slight_smile:

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