I accident deploy IE 7 to all my company computers and now some of the apps not compatible, I need uninstall, can any one help me with basic Actions task and Relevance.
The first thing to do is to figure out how to silently uninstall IE7 from the command line. If you can figure out that part, we can help you build the relevance and action to remove IE7.
You might try looking through the keys at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. See if you can find one that gives an “UninstallString” for IE7.
Based on the export above, an action to remove IE7 would be virtually identical to an action generated using the Rollback Wizard for a security patch. I’d suggest using an existing rollback patch (or creating one through the wizard) and modifying it so that instead of looking for a key ‘KB123456’ it looks for the key ‘ie7’.
If you need some help, post the relevance and action from the rollback task and we’ll show you how to modify it appropriately.