Custom task with retun?

(imported topic written by esv_ban91)

hello! I have been working for ages with IBM Tivoli Management Framework and now we are testing BigFix. With IBM Tivoli you have a command line from you can execute all commands you need and obtain the result. Is it possible with BigFix execute a custom task that allow you recive the return of this task over bigfix clients?

Thanks in advance

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

There is a Fixlet Debugger but this only applies to the PC that you are on.

(imported comment written by esv_ban91)

So, is not possible to execute a task and receive the output from this task? This option is very useful in our current distribution environment based in IBM Tivoli

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)


We don’t currently have a traditional Tivoli command line, that is, a command line that creates command line equivalents for all possible GUI actions.

If the goal is automation (rather than a “shell-like admin experience”) then we have a SOAP API and a Platform API that can be used for that purpose.


(imported comment written by esv_ban91)

Noah, thanks for your answer. Yes, we knew that BigFix doesn’t have a traditional command line, but I had the hope we could make some task -like seeing an value of the registry, services which are running…- which execute in differents clients and this task could give us the return.

(imported comment written by Bill.Ehardt)

Unless I’m not understanding your question, it seems like you are referring to just creating a new property in BigFix, at least in referring to registry/services.

You can easily create a property to update every report time these examples above and have it show up in console, in a web report, create a custom analysis, etc.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hey esv_ban

BigFix splits these to functions apart. We use fixlets to run actions on an endpoint. The fixlets are self contained things, and once they are done they will only report back their success or failure (though the success criteria can be as elaborate as you want, and can check for specific results from the command the fixlet has executed)

We have a separate concept of “properties”, which report back any arbitrary data you want about an endpoint. So for example you can create a property that would report back the results for the command you ran (as wmehardt suggested).


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi esv_ban,

Here is some info on how to issue commands in BigFix:

However, as Zak mentions, you need to use our query API to get the results of properties / Fixlets / etc:


(imported comment written by esv_ban91)

Thanks for your help. I’m trying what you suggested me. When I try to import the custom action I have the following problem:

BESImportFile.exe Administrator bigfix BFEnterprise “c:\BIGFIX\AdministratorCredentials\publisher.pvk” "C:\BIGFIX\acciones_personalizadas\ActionTe


Error: BESAPI::SigningKeys::AreSigningKeysValid Error: Database Error:


ODBC Driver Manager

Data source name not found and no default driver specified (IM002:0)

(in cleanup) BESAPI::SigningKeys::DESTROY Error: Database Error:


ODBC Driver Manager

Data source name not found and no default driver specified (IM002:0)

I know the problem is the parameter “BFEnterprise”. What information I have to introduce in this parameter?

Thanks a lot

(imported comment written by esv_ban91)

I have just looked at the registry and I found that I have to use BES_bfenterprise instead of BFEnterprise, but now the error has changed:

BESImportFile.exe Administrator bigfix BES_bfenterprise “c:\BIGFIX\AdministratorCredentials\publisher.pvk” “C:\BIGFIX\acciones_personalizadas\ActionTest.bes”

Error: BESAPI::SigningKeys::AreSigningKeysValid Error: Input/output error; system lib (class BIO_write_filenameFailed)

(in cleanup) BESAPI::SigningKeys::DESTROY Error: Input/output error; system lib (class BIO_write_filenameFailed)

There is not much information in Web about this error.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hmmm… Can you verify that the pvk file is valid… also, verify the bes file is importable by trying to add it to the console…


(imported comment written by esv_ban91)

Thanks Ben. Yes, the file pvk is the only one file we have. But… I’m not sure what it’s the option to add the bes file to the console. I was able to export but I don’t find the way to import. Could you help us? Thanks!

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

You should be able to import a bes file just by clicking on it. If for some reason your recognized file types are messed up, you can manually select the .bes files to be opened with the console application (also i believe you can just drag it to the console exe and it should work). The console should then give you a message asking you to confirm that you want to import that item.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

For the error:

Input/output error; system lib (class BIO_write_filenameFailed)

The problem is that temporary files are being written to the BES Server API directory as a temporary location but there is a permissions problem (windows UAC). The workaround is to run your application as Admin or anything that has read/write access to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server API