Custom software deployment task stuck on "Evaluating" on some machines

(imported topic written by bubba91)

I’ve deployed a task to remove a software package, reboot, then another task to come back behind it an install an updated version of software. The removal job appears to get stuck at evaluating phase on some machines (coincidentally, they are all ESX WinXP 5.1.2600 VM’s), while running fine on others.

One one of these “stuck” machines, I found one where nobody was logged in and decided to see what BF was doing. So, I logged into it as a local admin, and let it sit for a few hours. No BF popups. Finally, I restarted the BF service. I then got the popup for my job. I ran my job (which failed; got this message: Invalid action content: the action script contains a syntax error. - which couldn’t be right because this job has been running successfully on other machines). Apparently it got to the ‘restart 300’ part of my job and restarted. Once the machine came back up I logged in and it immediately restarted. Logged back in again and got the BF popup for April MS patches and an Adobe job (which must have been overdue). I accepted the jobs and restarted.

Logs show the client appears healthy, BF shows nobody logged into the machine, so this job should just run or at least show pending message since I configured a prompt for users who are logged in. There are also VM’s that are successfully running the job, so I’m not sure if it’s entirely a VM issue.

At 09:40:32 -0400 - opsite20 (http://mybes:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite20)

Relevant - Software Distribution - Deploy: Software Removal Job (fixlet:6505)

At 09:40:34 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

At 09:40:46 -0400 -

GatherHashMV command received.

No matching site.

At 09:40:47 -0400 -

DownloadPing command received

At 09:41:28 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

At 09:56:26 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

At 10:03:27 -0400 -

GatherHashMV command received.

At 10:03:28 -0400 - opsite6 (http://mybes:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite6)

Download ‘http://myrly:52311/bfmirror/bfsites/manydirlists_20/__diffsite_88a4ae227d8272f9a384a0ffe50024107c06f668_to_29081ecb474f4f73267ab5ba3de3ad61245a530d’ as ‘__TempUpdateFilename’

At 10:03:28 -0400 -

Gather merging new file C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\opsite6\Action 6507.fxf

At 10:03:28 -0400 - opsite6 (http://mybes:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite6)

Successful Synchronization with FixSite (version 13979) - ‘http://myrly:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/BESGatherMirror.exe?url=http://mybes:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite6

At 10:03:28 -0400 -

Processing action site.

At 10:04:44 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

At 10:12:08 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

At 10:17:40 -0400 -

GatherHashMV command received.

At 10:17:42 -0400 - opsite5 (http://mybes:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite5)

Download ‘http://myrly:52311/bfmirror/bfsites/manydirlists_22/__diffsite_9b6683713ef8b747128eda8b3d02354475f26cfc_to_36080378042c9f0377373629eb7c951b44c1e2be’ as ‘__TempUpdateFilename’

At 10:17:42 -0400 -

Gather merging new file C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\opsite5\Action 6508.fxf

At 10:17:42 -0400 - opsite5 (http://mybes:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite5)

Successful Synchronization with FixSite (version 13981) - ‘http://myrly:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/BESGatherMirror.exe?url=http://mybes:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite5

At 10:17:42 -0400 -

Processing action site.

At 10:19:01 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey bubba,

Getting stuck at “evaluating” is often caused by syntax errors of some sort… can you post your actionscript for the removal action?



(imported comment written by bubba91)

The error appeared to be caused by a job that was supposedly “Running” on the machines since February. Once that job was stopped, things progressed as they should have.