Custom Report URLs

Is there a way to programmatically reverse-engineer the properties of a saved custom report? Web Reports saves the reports as XML with a “URLParameters” key, which contains what seems like some sort of hashing of the included columns/filters, but you can’t really tell what they translate to until you enter them as parameters in the URL.

For example, in my BigFix lab instance, this:

Translates to:
Filter: None Columns: Computer Name, IP Address, OS, Last Report Time

It’s not trivial to decode, and not portable across Web Reports servers. In that case is it still worthwhile to you?

There’s a table in the database where this is a key value, and the second column is a hex-encoded value for what this key stores. I built a SQL procedure to decode it, but it doesn’t really help if you want to sync across multiple WR servers - each could create conflicting key/value lookups.

That absolutely would be helpful! I’m trying to determine what our customers are reporting on, without them having to send me screenshots of their reports.


This will probably run quite slowly, I was searching for some very limited data when I originally wrote this and didn’t need to much worry about the efficiency, but I hope it’s helpful or that you can at least reuse pieces of this SQL query:

SELECT ReportName,Creator,CreatorName, isPublic, ReportXML, TextResult
	SELECT ReportName,Creator,LoginName AS CreatorName, isPublic,ReportXML
	FROM [BESReporting].[dbo].[WEBREPORTS] 
	ON Creator=UserID
) As Reports
	select * from
			CONVERT(varchar(max),CAST(FullText AS varbinary(max))) AS TextResult
		FROM [BESReporting].[dbo].[SHORTENED_TEXT]
	) as TempTable
) AS MyShortText
 ON Reports.ReportXML LIKE '%' + MyShortText.ShortText + '%'

My sample report has two SHORTENED_TEXT substitutions in it - one looks like the Sort and another for the Columns Displayed. The MyShortText column can have a value like


This shows several Reserved Properties by name - like “R-Computer%20Name” is the (Reserved) Property “Computer Name”; it also uses the non-reserved property “O-8361-34-2” which would be the second property from Analysis 34 in site 8361. In Session Relevance I can look that up (in the Console Debugger or Web Reports QNA page) as

Q: (name of it, name of source analysis of it | "none", name of site of source analysis of it | "none") of bes properties whose (id of it = ( 8361, 34, 2 ))
A: Model, Hardware Information, OS Deployment and Bare Metal Imaging

I also have a second match from this Analysis showing the Columns that are displayed. The result for SHORTENED_TEXT on that one is in JSON format -

{"filterName":"","filterID":"","filterDescription":"{\"matchType\":\"all\",\"conditionList\":[{\"selectedContentTypeName\":\"Computer\",\"selectorList\":[{\"selectedOperatorName\":\"contains\",\"selectedOperatorValue\":\"Win\"}],\"selectedProperty\":{\"analysis\":null,\"type\":\"reserved\",\"id\":\"R-OS\",\"name\":\"OS\",\"displayName\":\"OS\"}},{\"selectedContentTypeName\":\"Computer\",\"selectorList\":[{\"selectedOperatorName\":\"contains\",\"selectedOperatorValue\":\"VMWare\"}],\"selectedProperty\":{\"analysis\":{\"id\":34,\"siteid\":8361,\"sitename\":\"OS Deployment and Bare Metal Imaging\",\"dbid\":2299732975,\"name\":\"Hardware Information\"},\"type\":\"analysis\",\"id\":\"O-8361-34-2\",\"name\":\"Model\",\"displayName\":\"Model (Hardware Information)\"}}]}"}

The JSON result is probably a bit easier to read because it shows both the Object ID for the property, as well as its displayName and the source analysis’ Display Name


This is great! Thank you! I should be able to extract the bits I need out of here to suit my purpose. Thanks so much for the detail!


We used this DB query to identify the included fields in our Web Reports. In the output we get column data which seems to be in three different categories:

R- Reserved fields
O- Analysis property (Non reserved fields)

we also get columns prefixed with C, and I assume these are Global Properties.
Example: &c=C%2FDivision%2FfgYNdw7wR8WSvGGMMNCAn1UrbU8

We have a global property named “Division” which this field is supposed to present. But I assume that the included Hex Value is the unique identifier. How can this value be used to match towards the property in the BigFix DB?

That’s strange, if you’ve run the query above I wouldn’t expect you to still have that encoded binary in the output. The &c=C%2F stuff looks like URL encoding, not the JSON output I’d have expected from the SQL query.