Custom Report Help

(imported topic written by jcochran197791)


I am new to BigFix and I am struggling to create a custom report. I need to be able to report the following information to our Asset Management Department.

I have all the fields activated in the Console and they are reporting I just need to be able to get them into a report format and possibly even email it to the department. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Location by Subnet

Computer Model

Computer serial number or service tag


Any help would be sooooo appreciated!

Thank you!

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


I might come back around to help you later with WebReports, but don’t want you to wait too long. Can you see if the following method will meet your needs?

Many screens in the BigFix Console can be copied, and paste nicely into Excel.

In the Computers tab, right click on the column names for the properties to organize them, or drag-and-drop to arrange them. You can then Ctrl-A to Select and copy to Excel.

This is often a very convenient way to get data from BigFix.

(imported comment written by jcochran197791)

I have tried that and it would work, it’s just not as pretty as I was hoping for. But if that’s my option then I will go with it.

(imported comment written by jessewk)

You can follow Ben’s instructions on creating a computer properties report in Web Reports:

(imported comment written by acula2391)

What relevance do you use to get those?

Here what I use for the model and service tag, any sugegstions/ideas ?

Serial Number:

string value of select “SerialNumber from Win32_systemenclosure” of wmi

Computer Model:

if (exists wmi) then (string values of selects “Model from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi) else (“N/A”)

(imported comment written by jessewk)

not sure I quite understand your question, but I think you’re asking how to use session relevance to inspect property results. There are 3 different query syntaxes, and each one can be useful in different situations, although they are often interchangeable:

values of results of

values of results from () of

values of results (, )

So if your property is named “Computer Model” and you want the values from all computers you could use any of these:

values of results of bes property whose (name of it = “Computer Model”)

values of results from (bes computers) of bes property whose (name of it =“Computer Model”)

values of results (bes computers, bes property whose (name of it = “Computer Model”))