Custom Patch Filter applicable to Site/Automatic Group

I want to be able to create a filter that produces a list of patches which are only applicable to the servers contained within a site/automatic group. I’ve started with this (see screenshot) but do not see a way of accomplishing my goal. In web reports i have the exact same setup except i have the option to select computer group. I don’t see that in Console–>Customer Filters.

I don’t think you can do that through custom filters. Best you can do is select your group and go to the Relevant Fixlets tab and see it live by drilling down to the patch site, or, as you’ve already pointed out, by viewing it in Web Reports.

The issue with web reports is you can’t add the results to a baseline. The relevant fixlets tab is helpful but not ideal as you can’t filter out the fixlets you don’t want to install as part of a baseline. I’m trying to figure out how to keeps things simple and the number of components in my baselines to a minimum. Looks like these are my only options though. Thanks for reply. Appreciate it.