Custom Fixlet - Edit Script Element - Example(s)

(imported topic written by MrFixit)

Can someone get me started with this? Not a priority but I was preparing some training and would like to understand the feature.

I see that you can enter the contents of a script tag into the description of a custom authored Fixlet. I’ve tried a couple of things but all I get is errors.

Also how are you using this today? I do think that dynamic content for description is probably useful and somebody decided that it should be there.



(imported comment written by jessewk)

We use it to add links to other Fixlets, provide special warnings if we detect certain situations, and recently to provide action parameterization and input validation. Do you have any of our SCM content? You’ll find lots of examples in there.

If you want to add dynamic content through the Edit Fixlet dialog, you can insert relevance using the wizard hat icon (the purple thing). We’ve made it a little easier in 8.0 but from what I recall, in earlier versions you just get an input dialog. Just enter a relevance expression like ‘link of bes fixlet whose (name of it = “foo”)’.

The script icon is used to insert javascript, like ‘alert(“foo”)’. You can call ‘EvaluateRelevance()’ in the javascript if you want to build your relevance on the fly or wait for user interaction before evaluation.

Hope that helps.


(imported comment written by MrFixit)

Thanks that did help and I did find some examples.

I’m going to pull several together and share with my internal development group and see what they come up with for application. I’m certain there will be a few clever ways to us it to avoid hardcoding information into the description.

It initially looks like the relevance (wizard hat icon) appears to be limited to presentation relevance but the script tag could pull data from web reports. I’m going to be real busy building new a few BES environments and migrating to them so, I’ll have to pause this exploration for a couple weeks.
