Custom Dashboard html text formatting

Hello all,
I am trying to create a custom dashboard to be used using SSA. I was able to get most of the items evaluated within the relevance as mentioned in

However, to enhance the user experience, I would now like to format the text based on what relevance returns. See the example below:

Disk Space Report: <?relevance if free space of drive of system folder < 10000000 then "Low disk space" else "Healthy" ?>

I would like the β€œLow disk space” to be displayed in bold red font and β€œHealthy” in a bold green font.

However, when I try to pass the text formatting attributes, it doesn’t like to parse within the relevance shell.

FYI I am not a HTML expert!

Can someone take a look and reply if they have done something similar?


Disk Space Report: <span style="font-weight:bold; color:<?relevance if free space of drive of system folder < 10000000 then "red" else "green" ?>;"><?relevance if free space of drive of system folder < 10000000 then "Low disk space" else "Healthy" ?></span>

Give this a try :blush:

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Thanks, @FatScottishGuy! After a long battle, I realized that I needed to split the relevance to apply the required formatting and you gave me a great head start. Really appreciate. FYI I used tiles in HTML for my relevance and applied the necessary formatting to the tile classes.

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