Custom analysis

(imported topic written by StiRazzi)


we are writing an analysis to get the chassistype value of clients based on the wmi win32_SystemEnclosure.

the relevance works well:

integer value of properties “ChassisTypes” of select objects “ChassisTypes from win32_SystemEnclosure” of wmi

but now we want to convert the integer number in a string value like this:

Value Meaning

1 Other

2 Unknown

3 Desktop

4 Low Profile Desktop

5 Pizza Box

6 Mini Tower

7 Tower

8 Portable

9 Laptop

10 Notebook

11 Hand Held

there is a way to do this with parameters without write every time the relevance???


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Does this help?

(imported comment written by StiRazzi)


Many Thanks!