Hi Guys,
I want to create a task that will install windows application updates in D: drive instead of C: . Our production environment uses D: drive for application installation in few cases. Is it possible to detect whether the applications are installed on D: and push the updates or new installation to D: drive using bigfix ?
Thanks in advance.
Application updates will generally install into the same path as existing installations.
New i stallations (such as those created with the Software Deployment Wizard) can usually be targetted to an installation path, but the parameters for doing so vary by package installer type. MSI packages usually use the TARGETDIR=path\to\directory.
You can modify Software Distribution packages with any command you like, but you’ll need to know the right commands to do it.
Thanks @JasonWalker. I am not using Software Deployment Wizard. I am trying to write action scripts that uses exe and msi installers to install the applications on D: drive. The environment uses D: drive for most the cases.
For update, the script will check where the application is installed and then push it to that path. Will it automatically install update on the path which is used for the previous installation?
For new installation, the script will check whether other packages are installed on “c:\Program Files (x86)” or on “d:\Program Files (x86)” and then install the new one on to that path.
Any idea on the exe parameter for TARGETDIR?
For exe installers, it can vary greatly; the main benefit of the MSI installer format was to more-or-less standardize the command formats.
For EXE packages, you pretty much need to find vendor documentation or user examples for each package. Googling ‘unattended setup’ for whatever product usually has some results. You can also check bigfix.me or ask here about individual packages, but it won’t be a standard.