Creating report

(imported topic written by jc811591)

Is there another way to insert relevance code into bigfix for a report other than web reports.

I have created a web report for my code

<?relevance unordered list of (( html (it &","& multiplicity of it as string &","))of unique values of (link of it as string) of (applicable computers of it) whose(exists link of it) of bes fixlets whose( globally visible flag of it AND (name of site of it as lowercase contains "patch" or name of site of it = "Enterprise Security") AND (source severity of it as lowercase as string = "critical" )); ( html (it & ",Patched,")) of unique values of (link of it as string) of bes computers whose (exists link of it AND not disjunction of (relevants (it, bes fixlets whose (globally visible flag of it AND (name of site of it as lowercase contains "patch" or name of site of it = "Enterprise Security") AND (source severity of it as lowercase as string = "critical"))))))?>

but i was wondering if there is a way to have the results show in the console instead of the web reports.


(imported comment written by jessewk)

You can have the report show temporarily by running it through the presentation debugger. I don’t think that’s the solution you’re looking for though.

The only other option is to work through our professional services department and we can host the report and publish it for you to a site specific to your company. Several customers do this today. The report would then appear in the menu of your choice in the console (e.g. under Dashboards).