Creating Custom Report to report when computers become relevant in policy fixlet

As per the title, I am having a mess of a time figuring how to write a relevance statement for a custom report to determine if a system becomes relevant for any of the policy fixlets we have in place. One of the other parts i’m having a tough time with is writing the relevance while explicitly naming the action ID in the fixlet.

The hope would be to have a “template” where all i would have to do is change the ID in the relevance and i could create scheduled reports to generate every time a system becomes relevant in the policy.

Thanks in advance for your help in helping me to understand this!

One method I used that doesn’t even involve a custom Relevance Statement. Instead, I set up a Custom Site, and want Web Reports to send me an email whenever an item, who’s content name starts with “WARN:”, becomes relevant in that site:

I set up a Scheduled Report based on this, triggered to ‘Send Email’ and “Only save archive / trigger email when the result changes”.
I get an email whenever a computer becomes relevant. I get a second email whenever a computer becomes non-relevant. I could modify that further with a custom session relevance, but I’d rather keep it simple.