CReate a System Restore Point Windows 10


Can BigFix be used to create a system restore point prior to deploying patches? If so maybe this could be the first item in a baseline? Anyone done anything like this before


You can make a system restore point using the command line with something like:
Wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "My Restore Point", 100, 12

The My Restore Point can be whatever you want it to be called. You could swap that out for some relevance substitution like {id of active action} which would name the system restore point after the id of the action that caused the restore point to be created:

waithidden Wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "{id of active action}", 100, 12

I havent tested this and it may require turning of wow6432 redirection